Monday, 16 March 2015

A synthesis: The core messages in the Aims and Rationale of the Technologies Curriculum.

A synthesis: The core messages in the Aims and Rationale of the Technologies Curriculum.
The Technologies curriculum covers the development of knowledge, understanding and skills to investigate, critique, analyse problems and make and create ethical decisions about solutions that are innovative, creative and sustainable. The technologies curriculum looks at the role, impact and use of technology in the economy, environment and society.
The aims of the Design and Technologies Curriculum is to develop critical users, designers and producers of technology solutions for future generations.
The aims of the Digital Technologies Curriculum is to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills, computational thinking (problem solving sequences) using digital technology to create solutions. Communicating the processes of design and systems thinking to analyse the impact that technology can have on individuals, society, the environment and the economy.
These ideas are politically located in the Australian Government’s business ideology; creating productive, future citizens in a globalised and competitive world.  

The Australian Curriculum: Technologies

Reflection on Jose Anazagasty’s article: “What is Technology?”

This article places technology in a broad view, away from just the classroom ideas that pre-service teachers may choose to focus on. Jose gives a sociological definition of technology that makes it appear ‘less functional and more social’. This article helped me reflect on technology as not just innovation and gadgets, but as a distributor and re-distributor of opportunities or constraints. This, is a critical look at the inequalities and equality that technology can extend and shape.

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