Monday, 16 March 2015

Design thinking vs computational thinking

Design thinking
Computational thinking
Differences and similarities…
Design thinking, according the glossary of the Technologies curriculum (ACARA) is the use of strategies for understanding design problems and opportunities. Students must visualise and generate creative and unique ideas, involving analysis and evaluation in planning; the solution that best meets the criteria. I think that design thinking involves a student thinking about the context, purpose and the people that use a particular technology, and creating a solution that makes life easier, better and more sustainable than the last solution. It involves research and complex decisions based on the available materials and time frame.
The ACARA glossary defines this as a problem solving method that involves techniques and strategies that can be implemented by digital systems (digital ICTs and technologies). A student may need to organise data, break down problems into parts, define abstract concepts and design using algorithms (step by step procedure when problem solving), patterns and models (a physical representation or virtual representation).

My understanding of these terms shows that design thinking involves a much broader perspective, involving the purpose, user and context for a particular design. If you will, it involves the human side of the design intentions. The design thinking must come before the computational thinking, that narrows down decisions involving the specific ways in which a design can be actualised by a student and what constraints play a part.

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